Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mormonism: Book of Mormon Stories

Mormonism: Book of Mormon Stories


Mormon was the prophet-historian who abridged the historical plates of the Nephite and Lamanite nations into what Joseph Smith translated into English as the Book of Mormon. When Mormon was a child of ten years old, he was chosen to be a successive historian and keeper of the plates of Nephi; he was shown where they were deposited for safe-keeping till he was of older age. 

At age 15, Mormon was chosen to captain all of the Nephite armies. Mormon led the Nephites in many battles until his death. Often Mormon preached repentance to the Nephites, but there was a period of time that Mormon refused to lead the Nephites in battle against the Lamanites because the Nephite people's hearts were so hardened that God would not support them in battle. After many losses, Moroni could see the destruction of the Nephite people so he once again captained their armies in battle against the Lamanites. Hundreds of thousands were slain. Some Nephites dissented to the Lamanites; some fled into the southern lands, but were eventually hunted down and killed by the Lamanites. Only 24 Nephites remained with Mormon... Mormon was killed afterwards, but his son, Moroni, remained long enough to write more on the sacred records.

Moroni wrote on the plates to the Lamanite descendants in the latter days. He writes that the records will come to them through the Gentiles, and people who believe the Bible will also believe the records Mormon was keeping (the Book of Mormon). Moroni abridges the plates of Ether and the Jaredite nation who were also led previously to the ancient American continents. Moroni lives long enough to see remaining Nephites who will not deny the Christ be put to death. In the meantime, he writes more teachings of Christ and writes beautiful promises of faith and trust in Christ and a promise that if any person reads the records (The Book of Mormon) with real intent and a sincere heart, then asks if it is true, the Spirit of the Holy Ghost will witness to that person and they will know of its truthfulness. 
I have done this; I have read the Book of Mormon many times and still read it daily to gain spiritual knowledge and understanding of God's will in my life. I have prayed and I have felt the spirit -- I now actually feel the spirit almost every time I read the Book of Mormon. I know it is from God and that it contains God's words through His ancient prophets. 
The history of the people is real and beautiful, although some periods of time are very sad and heart-wrenching. I know it's true, and it's fantastic that I'm able to read such details of a people so long ago.... like the Bible.
This short video explains Moroni's promise further!

Latter-day prophet tells us truths about the Book of Mormon!

More about Mormonism and the Book of Mormon:

www.mormontopics.org (Q&A)
www.mormon.org/book-of-mormon (about the Book of Mormon)
www.mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon (FREE Book of Mormon to read)
www.mormon.org/chat?cid=sgo-csm-cm (CHAT live about Mormonism)
www.lds.org (search references to the Book of Mormon prophets)

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