Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mormonism: Power of the Book of Mormon

Mormonism: Power of the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon possesses a great spiritual power to its readers. Mormonism is derived from the Book of Mormon and is an additional testament of Jesus Christ and His mission in our eternal salvation. Just as the Bible possesses great insight and histories among God's children in the Eastern hemisphere, the Book of Mormon contains God's teachings to the people in living in the Western Hemisphere. The spirit of the Holy Ghost testifies of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon being an additional book of holy scripture. 

Helaman, a Book of Mormon prophet, writes of the purpose of preserving these ancient records to bring souls to salvation. Helaman teaches that God 'shows for His power in them (the Book of Mormon records), and he will also still show forth his power in them unto future generations; therefore they shall be preserved.' God preserved the writings of His prophets no matter where in the world they lived. Because of God's preservation we have both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to study and ponder God's words. This is part of what Mormonism encompasses.

I love reading the Book of Mormon! I read it every day. I feel a special power when reading this book of scripture. I feel both peace and strength when I read in the Book of Mormon. Over time and devotion to its study, I've learned I can rely on this book of scripture to give me strength amidst all my struggles in this life. The Book of Mormon is a source of strength and Godly power that I can count on to bring me peace and keep me focused on the things of God.

A Book of Mormon Story

God's Words Never Cease

Learn More about the Power of the Book of Mormon:

Mormonism: Faith and Trials

Mormonism: Faith and Trials

Mormonism has a different perspective on trials than general understandings. Mormonism teaches that trials help us develop our personal integrity and inner strength by requiring each individual to exercise faith in Jesus Christ through their  challenges.

The Book of Mormon states, "Learn of me (Alma); for  I know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day. ... I have been supported under trails and troubles of every kind, in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me." Alma, a Book of Mormon prophet, learned this for himself through many trying circumstances. His faith didn't keep him from suffering great affliction, yet in the end, he testifies of God sustaining and delivering him!

It's taken me a long time to accept that God doesn't prevent trials, but He does deliver us...eventually... from them. To be honest, I'm still learning to accept it. For most my life, I believed that if I did everything I could possibly do that was right, that my life would turn out as I planned. I haven't been able to control the outcome of my life at all... God allows me to have trials so I can grow and strengthen my faith in Christ instead of having my life go smoothly and as planned.

Mormonism teaches that believing in God requires faith while choosing fear is following the Adversary in life. We must choose faith instead of fear in order to choose God. Mormonism provides additional examples of choosing faith rather than fear in the additional testament of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon have great stories of people's lives of trials where faith was required in order to gain greater faith and knowledge and personal testimony of God's love for them. We, too, must choose faith while in our trials in order to gain knowledge of God's love for us!

Trusting in the Lord
Trusting the Will of God

Learn More about Faith and Trials: